Natural Dye Lab & Garden

Natural Dye Lab & Garden

 Did you know that there's a local garden in Baltimore City where natural dyes are grown? Located in the North Station Art District, Blue Light...

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Layering Lighting for home interior

Layering Light: Finding the right balance

Layering light involves combining different light sources to create a specific mood or ambiance, while also adding versatility, functionality, and flexibility to the room.

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LED Light Bulb Quick Reference - laloupedesign

LED Light Bulb Quick Guide

We now have more efficient and environmentally friendly options, and LED light bulbs are here to stay. With affordable and advanced technologies like smart bulbs,...

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NY MOMA - laloupedesign


Alexander Calder: Modern to Start Image - Calder FoundationLast December, after two years, we finally had the chance to visit the MOMA, and we couldn't...

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La Loupe in NY - laloupedesign

La Loupe in NY

Last November we had a big commission for The Greens, a NY Pop Up restaurant on the rooftop of @pier17ny Originally conceptualized in August 2020...

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Shibori Lamps - laloupedesign

Shibori Lamps

I'm have always been amazed by Japanese textile techniques and shibori is one of them. This technique is a way to embellish textiles by shaping...

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La Loupe Design - laloupedesign

La Loupe Design

Although our design studio is based in Baltimore, Maryland, the origins of La Loupe Design begin in Argentina... It all started in the year 2012. I (Jorgelina)...

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At the Studio - laloupedesign

At the Studio

Last month we received a visit at one of our studios from a journalist student, Emily Casavant. Her assignment was to portrait a Baltimore business...

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